About Us » Student Handbook

Student Handbook

Box 59, Crooked Creek, AB (780) 957-3995
This parent - student handbook has been prepared for families who have children attending Ridgevalley School. Please keep it handy for reference throughout the school year. A special welcome to all new families in the community.
Ridgevalley School Philosophy
All students can learn and they learn at different rates, times and levels. All students must be challenged and experience success in an inviting and supportive environment. All students should develop self-discipline, sensitivity to those around them and high self-esteem. Support and guidance is essential to students as they learn the life skills of problem solving, decision making and goal setting. Parents are valued partners who play an integral role in a child's learning. Parents are to be informed of and encouraged to be involved in their child's learning. A positive school atmosphere supports and encourages learning and mutual respect.
Ridgevalley School Mission Statement
Ridgevalley School welcomes you into an atmosphere of genuine caring and safety, with high academic expectations, nurturing a positive approach to life.
Special Events

Meet the Staff Night
Parent Council Elections
Cross Country Running
Volleyball Season

Thanksgiving Celebrations
Halloween Activities
Volleyball Season
Remembrance Day Activities
Awards Day
Volleyball Season
Christmas Concert
Basketball Season
Basketball Season
High School semester 1 final exams
Valentine's Activities
Track and Field
Final Exams
Bell Schedule
8:48 - 8:50 Homeroom
8:50 - 9:31 Period 1
9:31 - 10:12 Period 2
10:12 - 10:19 Jr/Sr Break
10:12 – 10:27 Elementary Recess
10:19 - 11:00 Period 3 (10:27 – 11:00 for elementary)
11:00 - 11:42 Period 4
11:42 - 12:21 LUNCH

12:21 - 12:25 Homeroom
12:25 - 1:06 Period 5
1:06 - 1:47 Period 6
1:47 - 1:54 Jr/Sr Break
1:47 - 2:02 Elementary Recess
1:54 - 2:35 Period 7 (2:02 – 2:35 for elementary)
2:35 - 3:16 Period 8
Elementary Recess - 14 minutes Lunch only - 39 minutes Please note: Students are dismissed early at approximately 2:46 p.m. on the first school Monday of each month because of staff meetings.
Homework Policy
Homework can be of two types. One type of homework is simply school work that the student was given time to do at school, but did not complete. The other type of homework is work that is specifically assigned by the teacher to be done at home. The amount of homework assigned can be expected to increase as the student progresses through the elementary grades. It is very important to realize that the amount of homework your child is doing is the result of several things:
Teachers often give class time for students to complete their work. Students who use this time well will have little or no homework, while another child who chooses to use their class time less constructively will end up with work to complete at home. It is expected that homework be completed on time. Another factor to consider is the work habits the child has developed at home. Homework done in front of the T.V., or with other distractions present, may take longer to complete than homework done in a quiet room. In some subjects, such as mathematics, it can be common to have children do some math homework most evenings. In other subjects, homework is not assigned on such a regular basis. If you have any questions about the amount of homework your child has, you are encouraged to discuss these with your child's teacher.
There are several things that will be influencing the amount of homework your child has, and it is only through close school and home contact that we can understand the complete situation. Students in Grades 7-12 who have not completed assignments when they are due will spend noon recess in the assigned and supervised ‘homework room’.
Please let the school know when your child is or will be away. Student attendance is taken for every class.  An automated call out system makes a call home regarding student absences that are not verified by a parent/guardian.
School Council
At Ridgevalley School we have a very active School Council. This group of parents meet about eight times during the school year with a staff and administration. The council works to develop and strengthen ties among the school, the home and the community. Our vision statement reads, “we will work together to fulfill the educational potential of our children with continual communication and commitment amongst staff, parents and community.” Further, our mission statement states, “the mission of the parent advisory council is supporting the continued education of our children.” The School Council is chosen every September at an organizational meeting. All parents are encouraged to attend.
Buses may not run due to inclement weather. Bus cancellations are posted on the Peace Wapiti School Board website, and you can sign up for automatic email notifications.  Announcements will be made over the radio on all stations. The announcements are usually made between 6:45 and 7:15 a.m. Buses may not run in winter when the temperature reaches -40 C, or other conditions prevent safe operation.
The school will remain open to students, should busses not run. The staff at Ridgevalley School are committed to ensuring the safety of all our students while here at school. We recognize the fact that there may be certain days where extremely cold weather may pose a safety threat to our students. As such, students will be kept in during recess and noon hours if the outside temperature at those times is colder than -25 C, including wind chill factor.
The staff will make decisions whether or not to send students outside during recess and noon hour. It is expected that students will come to school with appropriate clothing for the winter conditions. (toques, mitts, winter boots, etc.)
Dress and Indoor Shoes
Students are expected to dress in good taste and in a manner that is appropriate for a learning environment. Students who wear clothing that is inappropriate or in poor taste will be expected to change. All clothing shall be neat and tidy, cover all undergarments, back, bottom, midriff, and thighs. (Parents and students often ask what is long enough to cover the thigh. If the students can put their hands at their sides and touch skin, we would ask that something longer be worn.) Clothing shall have only positive, school-appropriate slogans and/or pictures.
Students must have a change of clothing for P.E.: running shoes, socks, (gr. 1 to 12), T-shirt, shorts or sweat pants as well (gr. 7 to 12) Hats must be removed during the playing of our National Anthem. Students are expected to have a pair of clean shoes, preferably runners, which can be used in P.E. classes and that they leave in the school at all times. They are to remove all footwear upon entering the building, and to wear their inside school footwear while inside the school. 
Note: Clothing advertising alcohol, cigarettes or having inappropriate slogans are not allowed. Students wearing clothing that does not adequately cover undergarments or body parts, (bra straps, underwear, cleavage), will be asked to put on a large T-shirt that covers everything until they have adequate clothing.
Field Trips
Field trips are arranged through your child’s classroom teacher. Field trips are encouraged as an excellent way to enrich children’s education. Parents will be notified of all their child’s field trips. Field trips will be paid for by fund raising, the school, the parents, or a combination of all.
Athletic Program
Ridgevalley School offers a rich athletic program to its Jr. and Sr. High students. Ridgevalley offers golf, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and Track & Field. Student athletes travel to other schools by school bus to compete in games or tournaments as well as Zone and Provincial Championship Tournaments.  Currently in elementary we offer cross-country running. Game travel information will be noted on the parent permission form that has to be signed and returned to the school before departure otherwise the student will not be able to get on the school bus to the game or tournament. We ask that parents are prompt in picking up their child when the team bus returns to Ridgevalley School at the designated time.
It is important to note that the school will not necessarily be open upon the students return.In addition, we request your support in picking up your child from practice at the designated time. Coordination between parents, coach, school and your child is essential to ensure that pick up time is discussed and followed so that no one is left waiting an extra length of time.
Sports Fees must be paid in order for student athletes to participate. Student athletes must be passing all their core courses in order to participate in school sports
* Lunch time sports program for Grades 4-6
* School access for community sports programs
Athletic Director is Mr. Darrell Willier.
A complete set of rules is available from the bus driver. However the following are a few important ones. 1. The driver is in full charge of the school bus at all times. 2. The driver will designate the seat which the student shall occupy and riders shall remain seated when the bus is in motion. 3. The drivers may report any misconduct to the principal of the school. Parents will be notified if the misconduct continues and students may be required to make other arrangements for going to school. 4. Students coming to school on the bus must have written permission from their parents to leave school by any other means. Students are asked to inform their home room teacher and bus driver of these arrangements. 5. Students wishing to travel on other busses other than their own after school must make arrangements with all bus drivers involved, or bring a note from home signed by a parent/guardian to this effect.
School Office Hours
8:30 a.m.- 3:45 p.m. Phone 957-3995 Our school Administrative Assistants are Mrs. Vivian Klassen and Mrs. Wendy Gerow.
Damage to School Property
Property, including bus seats, damaged by a student willfully or as a result of gross neglect or carelessness is the responsibility of that student. The student or parent will receive a bill for necessary replacements or repairs.
Fire Regulations / Emergency
In the event of a fire or fire drill, students are expected to proceed quickly without running or pushing to their designated exit. (route posted). If that is blocked, the alternate is to be used. When possible, the teacher must close classroom windows, turn out lights and close the classroom door when all the students are out of the classroom. Students once outside are asked to remain with their class for roll call. In the case of a fire during severe weather, students and teachers proceed directly to the Arena. Routine fire drills will be held throughout the school year.
Morning Announcements
Announcements are made over the intercom each morning. O’ Canada is played over the intercom at 8:48 a.m. Students are expected to be in their classroom when the National Anthem begins.
Our school librarian is Mrs. Elaine Scharf. The library houses both print and non-print materials. Print materials consists of reference, non-fiction and fiction books, as well as periodicals and pamphlets. Nonprint materials include a variety of audio-visual aids such as transparencies, video-cassettes, computer diskettes, DVD’s, etc. Students are reminded that all materials borrowed from the library must be signed out. Books or other materials lent from the library not returned are deemed lost and subject to replacement costs on behalf of the borrower.
Phone Use
Please try to contact the school during recess or lunch breaks. Students will be permitted to use the phone with their teachers permission during their breaks and for emergencies. Students are not to use the phone for personal calls as this creates a situation were the phone becomes occupied for long periods while others patiently wait to use the phone.
Personal Devices​​
To teach proper cell-phone usage and etiquette, students are required to keep their personal devices on airplane mode and silent during class- unless otherwise instructed by their teacher. Students are permitted to send and recieve messages during breaks between classes and the lunch period. This life skill builds an understanding of appropriate usage of their devices and will aide them in the future- especially in the workforce. Some teachers may opt to have the devices placed face down on the student's desk to show compliance with the rule.
Failure to comply with the above etiquette will result in confiscation of the device for the remainder of that class and if further infractions occur, the device will be taken to the office and will have to be retrieved by the parent or guardian of the student. 
We ask for support from home by way of parents contacting students only during break times and/or waiting for a reply between those times. If there is a development requiring urgent contact with any student, that contact must be made through the school office to ensure clear contact with the school, staff, students and parents.
Lost and Found
Lost articles are kept under the bench seats by the gym and in the blue wooden box by the elementary door. Anything not claimed by years end is donated to the Salvation Army.
All visitors to the school are requested to report to the office upon their arrival. Parents are asked to call ahead to make appointments with staff members to discuss any concerns they may have throughout the school year.
Illness while at school
When a student becomes sick we will attempt to notify the parents to have the student taken home. Peace Wapiti policy states that school staff cannot supply or administer any medication to any student.
School Fees
School fees are set from year to year and approved by the School Council. A detailed fee schedule is sent to parents in June and September. All fees must be paid in order for students to participate in non-curricular activities such as school dances, and sports.
Student Locks
Students from the grades 4 - 12 will each have a locker at Ridgevalley School. Locks for the lockers are available at the office for purchase at $8.00 each, ($5.00 for used). Locks may be used for the students entire stay at Ridgevalley School and leave with the student. Only locks obtained through the school office may be used. A record of all combinations is kept at the office.
Report Cards
Students report cards are sent out in November, January, March and June for junior and senior high students.  In November, March and June for elementary students and in January and May for ECS students.
Parents are invited to come to the school to discuss the progress of their child(ren) after the reporting periods. Please watch the monthly calendar for more information regarding interview dates. If the dates chosen for interview days are unsuitable or if other interviews are needed, parents are encouraged to call the school office so that individual arrangements can be made.
Early Arrival at School Students are asked not to arrive at school before 8:30 a.m.
Teacher supervision begins at 8:30 a.m.
Students Leaving School Grounds
Only Grade 12 students may freely (without permission) sign out and leave school. They do not ”come and go”. Once signed out, (for work, etc.), it means they have left for the day, unless specific arrangements have been made through the office to return, (such as after a morning medical appointment). Students other than Grade 12 wishing to leave the school grounds during school hours or school events need a note from a parent or guardian and then permission from the principal. They may not leave with other students.
All students leaving school for any reason, must sign out properly at the office.  This is to keep track of which students are in the building during an emergency.
Student Vehicles
Students who have the means to drive themselves to school may do so.  They are to park in the visitor parking lot north of the school, facing south.  There are no plug-ins for student vehicles.  If parents wish, students who drive may bring other siblings to and from school with them, this will not be monitored by staff.  They may not bring other students, unless specific permission has been given by both parents/guardians of the driver as well as prospective passenger.  Please see Mrs. Rose for further clarification regarding student drivers.
Kindergarten Program
Ridgevalley School offers a complete Kindergarten program running every Monday and Wednesday and alternate Fridays. The Parents of these children are encouraged to participate in the Kindergarten local advisory committee. For further details on the Kindergarten program please contact Mrs. E. Harden our Kindergarten supervising teacher.
Classroom Tidiness
Jackets are to be kept in lockers or on the coat racks. • Books will be kept neatly on shelves. Scribblers, pens, erasers, etc. are to be kept in desks. • Work sheets and test papers; taped in scribblers, in folders, or in duo-tangs. • No books, binders, papers, runners or any other items except music instruments are allowed on the floor at any time. • If another student is to use your desk, clear your desk top of books before leaving your classroom. • Students are not to sit on shelves or desk tops. • Valuables should be kept in locked lockers except when in use. • All teachers will take an active interest in the tidiness of the rooms in which they teach and in student habits with respect to organization and care of property. • The homeroom teacher will check desks and floor at dismissal and take the necessary action.
Smoking/Chewing Tobacco
Students are not allowed to smoke or chew tobacco in our building or on our school grounds. Students caught doing either will be suspended from school. Peace Wapiti is a smoke-free and tobacco-free environment.
Junior/Senior High Awards Honor Standing
Any student who achieves 80% or higher in any subject will receive a honors certificate at years end. Students will also have their name listed on a honor roll each reporting term.

Citizenship Award Presented to the Junior High student and Senior High student who has displayed a sense of responsibility and a willingness to put school activities and fellow students ahead of self interest.

Academic Award An award will be presented to the student in grades 7 - 12 who achieve the highest overall average in core subjects.

Male/Female Athletic Award Presented to the athlete who shows outstanding participation, sportsmanship and achievement in extra curricular sports.
A playschool program is delivered at Ridgevalley School through the Community Playschool Association Monday through Thursday.
Alcohol, Drugs
Students who come to school or a school activity under the influence of or in the possession of drugs or alcohol are automatically suspended from school and may be referred to the Superintendent of Schools, with a request for expulsion.
Nut Allergies
We are a Nut Aware school, meaning we encourage students to bring alternatives to nut products. Each homeroom teacher will make parents aware if there are students with allergies of any sort and what may need to occur to ensure the allergy is accommodated. 
Positive Behavior Plan
At Ridgevalley School we believe in the responsibility model of discipline. By implementing logical and consistent consequences, and by providing individuals with opportunities to become responsible and caring members of the community, students will learn how their behavior and choices impact others.
1. Positive/appropriate behavior will be recognized and celebrated.
2. For Minor Infractions, it is the responsibility of the ‘adult in charge’ to intervene and assign a consequence and a caring behavior. An example would be: for going off school property the student is placed in a ‘time out’ zone to reflect and the caring behavior would be community service (picking up garbage) or a written reflection of the incident.
3. For Major Infractions, the administrator will be involved. Parents will be notified.
4. All infractions will be recorded.
5. Each incident will be treated on its own merit. Physical aggression such as hitting/fighting results in an automatic out of school suspension. Verbal aggression will not be tolerated and may lead to in-school suspension, or an out- of school suspension if warranted.
6.  The general route of consequences is:
- noon hour detention
- ½ day in-school suspension
- full day in-school suspension
-1 day out of school suspension, letter to parents and Deputy Superintendent
- 3 day out of school suspension, letter to parents and Deputy Superintendent
- 5 day out of school suspension, letter to parents and Deputy Superintendent
- recommend expulsion, consultation with Deputy Superintendent and Board
Please note that the severity of the infraction may place a student further along the route of consequences.  Parents will be contacted and informed of all major incidences.